
Main Submission Portal

The main submission portal for the 2024 AMS Annual Meeting should be used to submit paper and session proposals, including panel, workshop, roundtable, film, and special session proposals.

Proposal Calls

AMS Paper & Session Proposals

Use the main submission portal to submit an proposal for an individual paper, poster, session, workshop, roundtable, or film. Except for workshop and roundtable proposals, all other proposals abstracts should exclude personally identifying information. As a reminder, all participants (including presenters, chairs, and respondents) will be required to register for the annual meeting.


See the AMS Call for Proposals for additional details.
Deadline: 15 February 2024, 11:59pm CST

AMS Call for Performances

Use the performance proposal submission form to submit a proposal for a concert, lecture-recital, workshop, or other type of performance.


See the AMS Call for Performances for additional details.
Deadline: 15 February 2024, 11:59pm CST

AMS Study Group or Committee Proposals

Use the main submission portal to submit a proposal for an AMS study group or committee session. AMS committees and study groups are guaranteed one session at the Annual Meeting. As a reminder, all participants (including presenters, chairs, and respondents) will be required to register for the annual meeting.


See the AMS Call for Study Group and Committee Proposals for additional details.
Deadline: 15 March 2024, 11:59pm CST