Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
• Who do I contact for help? For general questions about the conference, please contact
• Are there opportunities to volunteer? Yes! But please note that space is limited. We cannot guarantee all who apply will be assigned a volunteer role. Information on how to apply will be made available in the spring.
• Will there be opportunities to network and socialize? Yes. There will be many opportunities to network, socialize, and connect with colleagues and friends.
• Will there be an exhibit hall? Yes, we will have an exhibit hall available to all registrants.
• Will there be a program book? Absolutely. The program book will be a publicly accessible and fully searchable digital program. It is expected to be available in mid-October.
• How do I reserve my hotel room? Information on accommodations at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel will be made available in the spring. The Palmer House Hilton Hotel will serve as the location for the 2024 AMS Annual Meeting. Most events and services, including registration and help desks, will be located there.
• How do I reserve an exhibit booth or program book ad and what are the deadlines? Information and reservation forms for exhibitors, advertisers, networking event organizers, and sponsors will be available in the spring.
• How do I request accessibility accommodations? Requests for accessibility support can be sent to Requests are handled confidentially by the AMS staff and are not shared.
• Will attendees at the 2024 Annual Meeting be photographed? The 2024 AMS Annual Meeting will have photographers and videographers on site to capture a visual record of select meetings and activities. This visual record is for the organizers’ use only and may appear on the societies’ websites, newsletters, and social media streams. In registering for this event, you acknowledge that you may be photographed and waive the right to inspect or approve such images before posting.
• Is there an anti-harassment policy? Yes. Harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at the 2024 AMS Annual Meeting. All attendees and participants must agree to abide by the meeting anti-harassment policy at registration.
• Are there additional resources for people looking for information about accessibility in the city of Chicago? Yes. The Choose Chicago website has resources on accessibility to help visitors navigate the city.
• Is there a childcare or family care reimbursement available to attendees? Yes. The AMS offers family care reimbursements to AMS members whose attendance at the Annual Meeting incurs extra family care expenses. More information about applying for family care reimbursements will be made available in the summer.
• When will the annual meeting take place? The AMS will meet on 14-17 November 2024 in Chicago, Illinois at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel.
•In what time zone will the meeting take place? The meeting will take place in the Central Standard Time Zone.
•When will the schedule for the conference be made available? The program schedule will be made available in August 2024.
• When can I register and what will it cost? Early registration will be available on or before 15 June 2024. More information will be available in the spring.
• Are there ways to have the registration fee waived? Yes! Conference volunteers will receive a waiver of the registration fee in exchange for six hours of service. Please note that space is limited. We cannot guarantee all who apply will be assigned a volunteer role. More information about volunteering will be available in the spring.
• Are presenters and chairs required to register for the Annual Meeting? Yes, presenters, chairs and discussants/respondents are all required to register for the Annual Meeting.
• Is there a cancellation policy? Yes. Refund requests will be honored if received on or before 31 October 2024 and are subject to a $20 processing fee. Refunds requested after 31 October will not be honored.
Proposals & Submissions
• When are proposals due? Proposals for sessions, performances, and the CAMPE Special Call for Remote Presentations are due 15 February 2024. Committee & Study Group proposals and CAMPE Special Call for Professional Development proposals are due 15 March 2024.
• What is the AMS Alternate Years Rule and to which proposal types does it apply? The AMS Alternate Years Rule restricts the participation of individuals in successive meeting years. The AMS Alternate Years Rule does not apply for the 2024 Annual Meeting.
• Are proposals read anonymously (i.e., with the names of participants hidden from the committee)? AMS roundtable, workshop, and film proposals are read openly, and all the names of participants are given to readers (and should be included in the proposal). AMS individual proposals and sessions are read anonymously until the final stages of the committee’s work.
COVID Policies
• Does the 2024 AMS Annual Meeting have a COVID-19 vaccine requirement? Attendees are encouraged to get a COVID-19 and flu vaccination to prevent the spread of those viruses at the conference.
• Will I have to wear a mask at the 2024 AMS Annual Meeting? Attendees are encouraged to wear a surgical mask or higher-level respirator (N95, KN94, etc.) in crowded situations to prevent the spread of disease, but attendees will not be required to wear masks.
• What should I do if I come down with COVID-19 while at the conference? You should isolate yourself from others as much as possible and avoid participating in any activity with others while not wearing a surgical mask or high-quality respirator.
Question not answered? Send it to and it will be added to this list.
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