Call for Volunteers

Serve as an AMS Annual Meeting volunteer!

The American Musicological Society (AMS) is calling for volunteers to help run its 2024 Annual Meeting which will be held in Chicago at the Palmer House Hilton, 14-17 November 2024. In exchange for 6.5 hours of service, volunteers will receive a waiver of the meeting registration fee. Volunteers must be current members of the American Musicological Society.

There are several volunteer opportunities available. Opportunities include, but are not limited to:

  • Face-to-face customer service (staff registration desk, information desk, Exhibit Hall, etc.)
  • Room monitor (do room counts, liaise with A/V support)

Please note that room monitor shifts will be handled differently than at previous AMS annual meetings. Rather than being scheduled to monitor a specific session, small groups of volunteers will be stationed outside of a cluster of session rooms and will provide support for a handful of rooms.

However, space is limited. The Society cannot guarantee that all who apply will be assigned a volunteer role. So, if you are interested in volunteering, submit your application as soon as possible. The deadline to apply is 1 September 2024

Please wait to complete your conference registration until your volunteer assignment is confirmed. If you have any questions, please contact the event organizers at