Call for Annual Meeting Session Chairs

The American Musicological Society (AMS) is calling for volunteers to serve as chairs of sessions at the ninetieth Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society (AMS), which will be held on 14–17 November 2024 in Chicago, Illinois at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel. Chair volunteers are assigned based on availability of sessions and the volunteer’s area of expertise, and so the AMS cannot guarantee that all chair volunteers will be assigned a session.

The role of session chair is a vital one. Chairs provide support for presenters and ensuring an equitable distribution of time and audience attention.  In order to volunteer, you must be a current AMS member and hold a PhD in musicology or a related field, or equivalent professional status in related field (such as archival and library sciences).


Eligibility: Current members of the AMS who have a PhD in musicology or a related field are eligible to serve as session chairs. Please note the distribution of session topics depends on the proposals received each year. We may not be able to assign all who volunteer to chair a session. The deadline to fill out the chair volunteer sign-up form is 11:59 PM EST, 3 May 2024.